9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-10:00 Welcome, introductions and charge to the participants 
10:00-10:30 An overview of the Global Food safety issues and the role of ISEKI Food network
10:30-11:00 Coffee break  
11:00-11:40 U.S. and International Standards to Facilitate Food Safety and Security
11:40-12:10 Current Food Safety Challenges of the EU and the Response of the European Food Safety Authority
12:10-12:30 Romanian perspective on food safety, security and environment
12:30-13:30 Lunch 
13:30-14:20 Networking globally to identify food safety risks
14:20-15:15 Current status of food safety in Romania and the Balkans 
15:15-15:45 Coffee break  
15:45-16:30 Liability when the food safety system fails - the impact on all aspects of the food chain                                               
16:30-17:15 Detecting pathogens in foods
17:15-18:00 Group discussions and conclusions of the day

9:00-9:40 What is the impact of agri-food policy on the consumer and environment? Do we have adequate solutions for the food safety and security, and are they sustainable in the long run? GAPs
9:40-10:10 Food safety systems: GMP`s, SOP`s, Recalls
10:10-10:40 Coffee break  
10:40-11:40 Methods to control pathogens
11:40-12:15 Food safety in the marketing chain
12:30-14:00 Lunch in HACCP certified restaurant 
14:10-15:00 Mycotoxines
15:00-15:40 HACCP application of system from farm to fork: meat
15:40-16:10 Coffee break  
16:10-17:00 Vegetables and fruits juices
17:00-17:40 HACCP application of system from farm to fork: dairy and seafood
17:40-18:30 Conclusions of the day

9:00-9:40 The local producers response to the EU regulations
9:40-10:15 HACCP- Case studies in the hospitality management
10:15-10:35 Coffee break  
Concurrent working groups:
Section I Section II Section III
10:35-11:00 HACCP - Romanian Case-studies: dairy
11:00-11:35 HACCP - Common mistakes in implementing the HACCP System in Romanian food Companies
10:35-11:00 HACCP - Case-study: BOROMIR Milling Company
11:00-11:35 HACCP - Romanian Case-studies: milling and bakery
10:35-11:00 Impact assessment of new EU hygiene legislation for small producers of traditional bakery and dairy products in Romania
11:00-11:35 HACCP - Romanian Case-studies: meat
11:35-12:15 Conclusions from the concurrent sessions 
12:15-13:30 Lunch 
13:30-13:55 Focus on Romanian consumer and food safety
13:55-14:15 Food safety and Romanian consumer prospects
14:15-15:00 Food Security and Public Health resources to enhance the detection of and response to transboundary diseases of livestock and  food borne illnesses   
15:00-15:30 Coffee break  
15:30-16:30 What needs to be done? How can it be implemented? Romanian, regional, European and the US point of view:  discussion led by organizers 
16:30-17:30 Work-shop wrap-up, conclusions and follow-up